contoh kalimat apostolic signatura
- In 1549, he moved to Rome, becoming a lawyer of the Apostolic Signatura.
Dan setelah tahun 1563, ia pindah ke Roma, dan bergabung di Mahkamah Agung Signatura Apostolik secara referendum. - Dominique Fran?ois Joseph Mamberti (born 7 March 1952) is the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura in the Roman Curia.
Dominique Fran?ois Joseph Mamberti (lahir 7 Maret 1952; umur 67 tahun) adalah Prefek Signatura Apostolik dalam Kuria Roma. - The theme of wisdom is appropriate as this room was the council chamber for the Apostolic Signatura, where most of the important papal documents were signed and sealed.
Tema kebijaksanaan ini cocok dengan tempatnya sebagaimana ruangan ini merupakan kamar dewan Apostolic Signatura, dimana kebanyakan dokumen-dokumen penting kepausan ditandatangani dan dicap. - The Apostolic Signatura is the supreme appellate and administrative court concerning decisions even of the Roman Rota and administrative decisions of ecclesiastical superiors (bishops and superiors of religious institutes), such as closing a parish or removing someone from office.
Signatura Apostolik adalah pengadilan banding tertinggi dan pengadilan administratif yang berfokus pada keputusan Sacra Rota Romana dan keputusan administratif kepala biara gerejawi (uskup dan kepala biara ordo keagamaan), seperti penutupan paroki atau pemberhentian seseorang dari tugas. - This position is based on Canon 915 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law and has also been supported, in a personal capacity, by Archbishop Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, the highest judicial authority in the Catholic Church after the pope himself.
Posisi ini didasarkan pada Kanon 915 dalam Kitab Hukum Kanonik 1983 dan juga didukung, atas nama pribadi, oleh Kardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefek Signatura Apostolik, otoritas yudisial tertinggi dalam Gereja Katolik setelah Sri Paus.